Caring for Your New Gerbil: A Beginner’s Guide

Caring for Your New Gerbil: A Beginner’s Guide

January 21, 2021 0 By The Critter Whisperer

Gerbils are cute, social, and easy to care for. If you’re thinking about getting a gerbil as a pet, there are a few things you should know before bringing one home. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of gerbil care so you can provide your new furry friend with a happy and healthy home.

First and foremost, you’ll need to set up a gerbil habitat. Gerbils need a cage that’s big enough for them to run around and play in. A 10-gallon aquarium or wire cage is ideal for one or two gerbils. Make sure the cage has a solid floor so your gerbil doesn’t hurt their feet. You’ll also want to provide plenty of bedding material, such as shredded paper or aspen shavings, for your gerbil to burrow in.

Next, you’ll need to provide your gerbil with food and water. Gerbils are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and meat. You can feed your gerbil a commercial gerbil food mix supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables. Make sure to provide your gerbil with fresh water every day, either in a water bottle or a shallow dish.

Gerbils are social animals and enjoy living with other gerbils, so consider getting more than one if possible. However, be sure to introduce new gerbils slowly and carefully to avoid fights.

Finally, spend time with your gerbil every day. Gerbils enjoy human interaction and can be trained to do tricks. Offer your gerbil toys and treats, and be patient as they get used to their new home. With a little love and care, your new gerbil will be a happy and healthy pet.